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Park your car 12 hours a day just for 1.99 euro

marifran carazo presentation

From 9 to 29 September, are available 3.000 parking places to park twelve hours a day just for 1.99 euros.



Granada Will have available from 9 to 29 September 3.000 parking places in Telpark managed parkings -Violón, Alsina- Centro Granada, Pedro Antonio and Estadio Nuevo Los Cármenes- where it will be posible to park your car 12 hours with no restrictions nor time slot just for 1,99 euro.

This new measure with the support from the City Council of Granada, is a deeply decisión to support local trade and hostelry that implies the renovation of collaboration agreement with company Telmark already started last year, matching with back to school campaign, that allow to park easily, cheaper and faster.

The Mayoress of Granada, Marifrán Carazo, who has remembered the success of this measure implemented last year for the benefit of thousand of grenadians people has remarked that this year we have a strong commitment to ease parking and that is not a problem for people of Granada to go shopping in the city or have their leisure time in Granada, said.

As she has explained, this new fare will be available with Multi Pass card, that could be obtained by the payment of fees of 5, 10 or 20 euros. User should associate the number plate of the vehicle to the card, so access and exit of the parking will be activated by digital readout, and it won´t be necessary to get a ticket nor pay 1.99 euro when leaving, which means less inconvenience in the use of parking.

The Mayoress has emphasized that these cards Will be valid in any time band and every day of the weekend, bank holidays also, and also said that they can be purchased at the mobile app Telpark available by the concessionary company.

New campaign to promote local trade

Also, she has aheaded, that matching with the beginning of school year, the City Council of Granada will actívate a supportive campaign to local trade in mass media and social networks, where we will emphasize the great quality of local trade, profesionalism of our traders and the excellent customer service, said.


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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