On October 22, 23 and 24, 2019 the Motorcycling Days are held at the Traffic Education Center of the Granada City Council.
The Center for Road Safety Education of the Mobility Area of the Granada City Council organizes the XVIII Motorcycle Conference and IX Coexistence with bikes , presented by the Delegate Councilor César Díaz and taught by the associations that traditionally collaborate:
After the study carried out in the Urban Road Safety Plan of the Granada City Council, it has been seen that one of the risk groups given their greatest involvement in urban accidents are Motorcycles . Granada is one of the main cities in Spain with the largest number of two-wheelers: our weather, young population, the economic crisis, environmental awareness and the greater ease of moving around the city have made this type of travel especially attractive. With 26,148 motorcycles and 15070 mopeds found in the city of Granada, there are a total of 41218 vehicles that circulate on our streets (to which we should add the precedents of the metropolitan area).
In 2018 there were 1,806 deaths in Spain due to a traffic accident. Despite the growth in trips, registrations and new drivers, Spain maintains a rate of 39 deaths per million inhabitants, lower than the European average. Despite the accident rate of the most vulnerable: bikes and motorcycles as well as the elderly, continues to grow.
In Granada, the two-wheeled vehicles, which are the object of these conferences, represent about 30% of the total fleet, including mopeds and motorcycles of different displacement whose use is preferably for work purposes.
The assessment of the accident rate in Granada on motorcycles, the object of this Conference in its XVIII Edition, is highly positive, given that we are witnessing a progressive decrease in urban accidents on both motorcycles and mopeds, which indicates that the messages Among the motorists of Road Safety they are penetrating and improving safety in this means of transport that has so many advantages in the city of Granada.
In the accidents that occurred in the last two years, according to the type of vehicle involved, it has been:
2017 | 2018 | |
Bicycle | 65 | 47 |
Moped | 138 | 108 |
Motorcycle | 330 | 280 |
Tourism | 660 | 643 |
Truck | 8 | 6 |
Van | 33 | 23 |
Bus | 17 | 15 |
Metro | 3 | 5 |
Others | 3 | 4 |
Pedestrians | 157 | 147 |
Total | 1414 | 1278 |
In 2018 there were a total of 108 accidents involving mopeds, and it is, as will be seen, together with the motorcycle, the type of vehicle that has reduced the number of accidents the most compared to 2017. If observed In previous years, this drop is even more notable, since the number of moped accidents has been reduced by almost half since 2011, and a downward trend has continued since then.
The best result in terms of the last five years has been registered for 2018, in terms of accidents with victims caused by motorcycles.
Most of the accidents take place with difference in the working days, perhaps this could be due to the movement caused by the work activity.
forThe Granada City Council has made a great commitment to this vulnerable group with actions and projects aimed at promoting their training and the conditioning of the city for this mode of travel and making it safer every day:
The Duration of the Conference of the current academic year 2018/19 will be 3 days, expecting a high participation of the applicant teaching centers:
IES Ramón Y Cajal, IES Hermenegildo Lanz, Ave Mª Casa Madre, IES Virgen de las Nieves, Ave Mª San Cristóbal .
The level of reception and participation among young people has been approximately 200.
To thank the commitment of the two motorcycle associations: Mutua Motera and Vespacito for collaborating with the City Council in raising awareness and training the motorcycle community, so important in our city and whose impact on the decrease in accidents in these vehicles is being reflected.
The news can be found in other digital media:
Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada