On Monday 12 June in the Plenary Room of the City Council celebrated the closure ceremony of the educational activities made by kids and joung people in different projects to improve Road Safety in Granada.
Projects developed during this course by the Educational Center in Road Safety not only pretend to improve Road Safety, but try to encourage healthier and substainable displacements as: walking, on bicycle and on bus.
With such determined people as these are, environmental quality and coexistence in Granada will progress indisputably. CHEERS and ROUND OF APPLAUSE from the city Major, Provincial Traffic Chief and the Delegate of Mobility, that joined this ceremony.
Following the targets of the City Council of Granada included in its Road Safety Agreement and being a Childhood Friendly City (UNICEF), of:
This day, there are many reasons to celebrate and thank, in a Ceremony headed by the Major of Granada, accompanied by the Provincial Traffic Chief and the Delegate of Mobility and Citizen´s Protection:
One more year we have achieved total absence of incidents and accidents around school centers, thanks to hard work and defence of guidelines performed by 33 boys and girls that have regulated traffic around their respectives school centers: Santa Marta, Ntra. Señora del Rosario and Luz Casanova.
To the participants of the European project STARS, to promote displacements on bus, walking or on bike to their respective school centers. A sum of 35 boys and girls of the school centers: Juan XXIII Chana, San Isidoro and Andrés Segovia, with their respectives teachers.
In those works, collect ideas and proposals of the participants about the city they would like to live in. A sum of 1.084 drawings of 57 centers.
Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada