These conferences, organised by the Educational Center in Road Safety on 20, 21 and 24 October, are teached by two renowed motorbike associations in our city: Mutua Motera and Vespacito
The Educational Center in Road Safety of the Mobility Area and Citizen´s Protection organise the XV Motorbike Conferences and VI Coexistence with bicycles, presented by the Delegated Council, Raquel Ruz, and intended for young motorbikers of our city about to begin in this mean of transport.
This project has been made due to the high two-wheeled vehicle fleet in the city of Granada, and its high involvement in urban accidents, because it has a total of 144.443 (2016) vehicles in the face of the 144.965 (2015) and 146.770 (2014). We are attending a progressive decrease of the vehicle fleet from 2012.
Two-wheeled vehicles, aim of these conferences, mean a total of 39.022 (aproxiately a 27% of vehicle fleet),of which:
The City Council of Granada has assumed a great commitment with this vulnerable group with actuations and projects aimed to promote its education and conditioning of the city for this mean of transport and make it safer every day.
The Theorical-Practical, will be organised by the Road Safety Center on 20, 21 and 24 October in Huerta del Rasillo. There will be teached by two renowed motorbike associations in our city: Asociación Mutua Motera and Vespacito.
Educational Centers joining these Conferences have been:
The number of groups teached will be 9, a total of 225 young people.
The comments of the teachers and attendants are highly positive, because classes are mostly practical and have a wide range of didactic resources making them more interesting and entertaining.
Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada