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III Meeting of Municipal Cyclist Mobility

Cyclist Meeting in Granada 2015

Organised by the Local Office of Mobility and Citizens Protection, through the Road Safety Center, and Granada al Pedal, have teached in this course 825 students (triple than last course).


Aimed population at this activity

Students of educative centers, from 6th degree in Primary School.Secondary, High School and Training Cycles...Ages, in general, very suitable due to tthe psycho-physical maturity of the schoolchilds, to fulfill this activity that educates in Security of the new styles of displacements more beneficial with our health ( physical and psychological) and for the health of our city.

Used Methodology

  • Theorical session teached by specialists of the Municipal Road Safety Center and Granada al Pedal, with knowledge transfer and skills in driving and maintenance of the bike, also to encourage respect and solidarity with the rest of the people travelling and the enviroment. Audiovisual resources, printed matter, and rol-playing to reinforce the interactive methodology and specially practical used by the specialists.
  • Implementation in the closed circuit of the Road Safety Center to check what we learned, making a previous training to check the skills when driving bicycles in urban surroundings.
  • Going out of the Center, in a tour through different places for bicycle riding in Granada: roads with no bike lane, urban bicycle lane, metropolitan and sports.The students practice their skills and experiment the benefits of bike, also solidarity and necessary respect in their displacements with the rest of the partners and dirvers in general.
  • Back from the route, there will be a meeting in the class, to share difficulties found and solution for the problems layed out.
  • An evaluative questionnaire of the experience will be given,with a very positive, which is reflected in the growing number of participant in the 3 editions given.
  • In the next course will be new itineraries with different levels of difficulty to choose between teachers and parents.
  • The course has the cooperation of the Cyclist Unit of Local Police in the cycle lanes in the Motorway.

Total of Schools: 19

Total of Groupes: 33

Total of Participants: 825

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Jornadas Ciclistas Granada Jornadas Ciclistas Granada

Jornadas Ciclistas Granada Jornadas Ciclistas Granada

Jornadas Ciclistas Granada Jornadas Ciclistas Granada

Jornadas Ciclistas Granada Jornadas Ciclistas Granada

Jornadas Ciclistas Granada Jornadas Ciclistas Granada


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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