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Road Safety and Elderly Campaign 2014

Road Safety and Elderly in Granada

From September 15th to 19th on level ground explanade of Palacio de Congresos will be celebrating a mobile class to make aware the senior population in Road Safety.


City Council of Granada: Citizen´s Protection and Mobility Area – Social Welfare , RACE and Liberty Insurances.

Dates: From 15th to 19th September.

Schedule: Mornings arranged in different Elderly Centers. Evenings open to every Granadian.

Place: Level ground explanade of Palacio de Congresos of Granada (Granada Congress and Exhibition Centre).

Due to and anticipating the European Week of Mobility, this morning has been inaugurated the Senior Mobility Campaing, the road for everyone ,by the City Council Deputy Major and Mobility Council Mrs. Telesfora Ruiz and the Social Welfare Council Mr. Fernando Egea, and also Mr. Jesús A. González, Road Safety Manager of Liberty Insurance, and Mr. Tomás Santa Cecilia, Road Safety Director in RACE.

Presentación Granada Mayores y Seguridad Vial 2014

Why to do this Campaign

It is a reality that our society is changing: it has increased the life expectancy and the birth rates have decreased, so this means a progressive ageing of population. Forecast anticipate a 30% of octogenarian population in 2050.

But this ageing is not a synonymous of apathy or inactivity, on the contrary, it is the aim of the active ageing so much spoken about at present in all institutions and entities that work with eldery people: the eldery have a very important role in society and take part of the education of a very important period in life, childhood. Mobility has becomed an essential marker of our quality of life in socitety, with a great relevance of eldery in the mobility systems due to need to move and participate in daily life. An example of it is the percentage of eldery with drive license (12% of drivers), number of passengers, and pedestrians.

This increment of mobility in seniors, qualified as a good sign, has a negative consequences associated to it: more risk to be involved in an accident.

EU (European Union), DGT and also the City Council of Granada main targets are to prevent and reduce urban accidents mainly in this senior group. The 57% of mortal accidents happen in the cities, while from 2003 to 2012 there is a decrease of deads in intercty roads (67%), in city roads that decrease is much lower (39%).

In the city of Granada the incidence of eldery in accidents is high although in comparison to 2012 the previous year 2013 has less people dead in traffic accident.Of the 4 dead people in 2013, 3 of them were people above 70 years old.

The City Council of Granada, through the Educational Road Safety Center, not only has teached children and young people,in line with tradition, but to eldery too because they are a group of risk with affective, physical, cognitive and motor impairments and have to recycle themselves, making displacements as drivers, pedestrians or passengers safer and with less risk.

Educational Road Safety is vital in these periods, even though there is an age to get driving licenses, there is no age to loss license and it has to be compensated with medical and psychological check-ups and educational re-traininig courses to adapt to the new necessities and changes of our society that we ALL have to face.

Granada Mayores y Seguridad Vial 2014

Arranged workshops and materials handed over.

This activity is an informative chat in the classroom, with videos to show the risky behaviour of pedestrians and senior drivers and also how to compensate them.

After that, outside and using informative posters give advice to make their displacements safer. Also there are exposed different devices of Children Hold-ups to educate their grandsons and grandaughters.

As a special novelty, brought from the USA show a costume to feel the difficulties of ageing when driving, in a motor and sensorial level, very effective to our conciousness raising in a general level.

At the end of the course will be given documents by the Road Safety Local Center and the RACE- Liberty Insurances.

Granada Mayores y Seguridad Vial 2014 Granada Mayores y Seguridad Vial 2014

Granada Mayores y Seguridad Vial 2014

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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