Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Mobile phone photo contest European Mobility Week

Join the mobile phone photo contest due to the European Mobility Week 2024

photo contest european mobility week 2024 granada

Edition of photo contest

Themed photography contest about the European Mobility Week Urban Mobility-Shared Spaces.

Join our annual mobile phone photo contest due to European Mobility Week 2024.

To join this contest you have to send an email to with the following info:
- Signed basis of this contest, download it here
- Name and surname.
- Nick or alias to join in the contest (if is not specified, we will use the name).
- NIF or NIE.
- Email address to send notifications.
- Contact telephone number.
- Type of mobile phone used.
- Title of picture/s.
- Pictures (maximum 2 per participant, minimum 1024x1024px, jpg)

* 1st prize: Transport card of CTMAGR charged with 100€ + Transport Voucher for Taxi of 50€ in cooperation with Gremial del Taxi and Pide Taxi + Route on bicycle for two with guide in cooperation with JCDecaux.
* 2nd prize: Transport card of CTMAGR charged with 50€ + Transport Voucher for Taxi of 25€ in cooperation with Gremial del Taxi and Pide Taxi .+ Guided route on foot for two in cooperation with Asociación de Guías e Interpretes del Patrimonio.
* 3rd prize: Transport card of CTMAGR charged with 25€ + Transport Voucher for Taxi of 15€ in cooperation with Gremial del Taxi and Pide Taxi.

Check the Photo Contest Basis.

concurso de fotografía semana europea de la movilidad 2024 granada


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